Murrow's reached a milestone recently. He's now tall enough to reach his fish mobile when he stands on his changing table. He's been reaching for it ever since he could lift his arm.
Author: garylove
Baby Spelunker
Today, Murrow explored the deep, dark cave that suddenly popped up in our living room.
The Entropy Maker
When Murrow crawls, there're two things he likes to do: Harass the cat. Destroy everything in his path. Kim has begun exploiting the second item, creating stacks of empty candy cartons for Murrow to crawl to and destroy.
Ear Explosion!!!
In the past couple of weeks, Murrow's cold has sent us to the hospital a twice. First, because he was running a high fever and then because he wouldn't eat. Today was the third time going to the doctor for us (thankfully Children's hospital is just a little ways down the road). This time because… Continue reading Ear Explosion!!!
Thought Bubbles
Kim and Murrow are both sick. It is Murrow's first cold, and they got sick on the same day and they're going through the exact same symptoms. What's silly is that Murrow's nose bubbles (cute & gross) have reminded both of us that we used to call him Bubble Mouth … but neither of us… Continue reading Thought Bubbles
Making It Official
Ever since Murrow started getting up on all fours, Kim and I have been wondering when he'll crawl. It's been a couple of weeks now that he's been scooting all over the place, mostly with an army crawl. But we're now ready to declare him a crawler…he's not necessarily fast or coordinated. But its good… Continue reading Making It Official
Baby vs. Hard Drive IV
I just thought I’d take a moment to post a few fun Murrow pics.
Random Three
As Kim and I crowd around Murrow with a camera preparing for his first crawl, we’ve been collecting some fun photos along the way.
The family went out to the opening weekend of Seattle’s Sculpture Park today to see the n’art (office park art), isitart (seating areas with plaques), and real art. We found the plaque forbidding pictures of the large typewriter eraser…which of course led us to take Murrow’s picture in front of it. Also, on the waterfront there is a bunch… Continue reading N’art!
Becoming One With the Floor
For Kim and Murrow’s dance class, they have the babies strip down to their onesies so the babies can see and feel more of their movements. We’ve been trying that a bit lately with his tummy-time, thinking that it might help him with his crawling. It didn’t seem to help, but it sure is cute.