It seems a shame that Christmas is just one day, so we spent most of the weekend opening presents, buying more presents, and just wrapping everything in site. Murrow got a spinning ball, learning thing-a-ma-jiggy, which he took to immediately, a neglectful-parent-machine (aka exersaucer) which he loves, and a copy of TaxCut in a DVD… Continue reading Pre-Christmas Merriment
Author: garylove
Big Boy Bather
Now that Murrow is sitting up extremely well, Kim and I decided it was time to remove the incline sling from his bath. The fun part of this change is he can now play with the water a bit more. He hasn’t quite figured out that you can’t catch a stream of water and put it in… Continue reading Big Boy Bather
Here Comes Sandy Claws
Murrow met Santa Claus for the first time yesterday and although we don’t have the “official” picture yet (they still use real film … freaks), here’s a few that Poppa took (including one from the camera phone). Full story after the jump.
Meester Fuzzyhead
Murrow’s nickname of the moment is Meester (pronounced me-stir) Fuzzyhead, for obvious reasons. He was born with a full head of hair, then it all fell out, and it is slowly being replaced with the softest, cutest, most uncontrollable hair imaginable. He’s like a really drooly q-tip nowadays.
Uncle Two Belts
As you can see in the photo, Uncle Two Belts and Murrow got along great while he was in town. UTB was in town working on his reflexes and parenting skills. He still has a bit of work to do on his snap-second baby catching skills.
Two-Headed Snake
Yes, it is a little weird that one of Murrow’s favorite toys is a plastic snake. But it really is a great toy. We can hold onto the tail so it doesn’t land in a puddle when he throws it, he can easily shove it in his mouth, and just drapes over his shoulder when he’s not using it.… Continue reading Two-Headed Snake
Murrow meet Bruiser
B&A have produced the cutest little giant that we’ve ever seen. He’s only a year or so older than Murrow, but I’m sure that he could bench press our little boy if given the chance.
Oma, Opa, Uroma, and Uropa
Awhile back Kim and I decided that we’d go by Momma and Poppa for Murrow … but what would Murrow call my parents? My mom decided they’ll be his Oma and Opa. It is the German/Dutch name for a grandmother and grandfather, and even though we’re not either of those enthnicities, we’re game. I’m not sure… Continue reading Oma, Opa, Uroma, and Uropa
Meet the Cousins
Since Murrow doesn’t have any older brothers or sisters, he’ll have to learn the ways of the world from his cousins. During this brief visit, Murrow had the chance to learn: The fun of playing with a pink fairy-mermaid named Elina. We all give thanks for the plentiful bounty of the Playstation. Grandma has a stash… Continue reading Meet the Cousins
A Tale of Two Babies
It was the best of flights, it was the worst of flights. With all of our worrying, the flight to Denver for Thanksgiving went off beautifully. We arrived at the airport extra early, to find the world’s shortest lines. Even after putting 10 trays worth of gear through the x-ray machine, we were a couple… Continue reading A Tale of Two Babies