Grabby McGrabbybutt

Murrow is now at the stage where he sees everything around him as something which rightfully belongs in his mouth.  Glasses, check.  Poppa and momma’s fingers, check.  Kitchen table, check.  He’s not mobile enough to get himself into any real trouble yet, but he has tried to grab a handful of leaves from the plant… Continue reading Grabby McGrabbybutt



When Murrow was just a couple of months old, he loved to take naps with his poppa.  However, in the last two months he’s refused to close his eyes, and will just scream and yell about how tired he is.  When momma takes over, he’ll fall fast asleep on her lap or shoulder…leaving poppa to… Continue reading Success!!!


Glossary: Buttered Popcorn

Kim and I will be starting Murrow on some solid food in the next week or so, so the days of 100% breastmilk poops will soon be over.  The weirdest thing is that Murrow’s poops smell like buttered popcorn…mostly the microwave type.  It is so uncanny that when we went through the popcorn aisle at… Continue reading Glossary: Buttered Popcorn


Murrow Brings the World Together

Whenever Murrow is out in public, everyone likes to look and smile at him, or to tell us that he is the cutest/strongest/smartest baby they’ve ever seen.  The funny part is that it isn’t just limited to random grandmas or other parents.  Results from last night’s downtown walk were: Skanky mall walkers like Murrow Spiky… Continue reading Murrow Brings the World Together


Sounds of Laughter

Kim and I have always wanted to record the sounds that Murrow makes, but he used to be so selective with his laughing and talking that it was hard to record.  Kim has now got it down to a science. [audio:laugh-mmm.mp3] [audio:laugh-muhmuh.mp3] [audio:laugh-kissingmonster.mp3] [audio:laugh-woowoo.mp3]


5 Diapers and 20 Minutes Later

On Friday Kim told me a great story, but she didn’t think anyone would want to hear about it on this site.  I disagree.  Read below, then vote on the the next page. Murrow waits forever between poops, often 3-7 days.  On Friday, he graced Kim with a big one, and as normal she changed him.  It… Continue reading 5 Diapers and 20 Minutes Later


BBBFF (Baby Boy Best Friends Forever)

Everyone knows the camera adds 10 pounds, which can be pretty dramatic when you’re only 20-some inches long.   You’ll just have to believe me that Murrow and his friend Liam are waif-ish, gymnasts-to-be.


Proud Parents, Pissed Baby

Murrow had a big milestone today, he rolled over from his belly to his back.  The picture is of the happy (babies scream and yell and have watery eyes when they’re happy…right?) baby right after he rolled over for the first time.  It happened while poppa was at work, but when we were all together… Continue reading Proud Parents, Pissed Baby


Desert Sun in Seattle

Gary: We’ll take one of the Combi high chairs. Sales clerk 1: What color would you like, blue or orange. Sales clerk 2: You mean Caribbean or Desert Sun. Gary: We’ll take orange. Kim and I got Murrow a high chair today, even though he won’t be eating solids for at least another 7 weeks.


Asleep on a Sunbeam

Murrow has been a great night sleeper ever since we learned the double swaddle, but recently he’s become a fussy napper.  The only place that he can get really comfortable is on Kim, even poppa’s plentiful stomach isn’t good enough for this connaisseur.  Although a part of me is jealous, I don’t envy the huge… Continue reading Asleep on a Sunbeam
