Roll Over, Roll Over (pt. 2)

As I mentioned in a previous post, the only thing cuter than Murrow alone is Murrow is a line of cute babies.  We got another chance for one of those photos during one of our recent peps group meetings.  So cute, so cute, so cute. 


So Fresh and So Clean Clean

Anything that is related to keeping Murrow the cutest little boy on the planet basically falls into Kim’s responsibility.  Snazzy outfit – check, trimmed nails – check, no nasty gunk in his neck folds – check.  Poppa’s responsibility is to make sure that we have baby bath photos to use as blackmail when he starts… Continue reading So Fresh and So Clean Clean


Grabby Monkey

It seems that just in the past week Murrow has gotten alot better at grabbing and manipulating things.  Mostly things are just going straight to his mouth, but heck, its a start.


Photo Booth

Kim got a brand new mac about a month ago so that she could start doing some freelance work from home (why she needed the cute black one, I have no idea).  Apple added on a fun new feature, where every mac now comes with a camera built-in and a program called photo booth, so… Continue reading Photo Booth


Baby Straitjacket

As some of you might know, Kim and I have been looking for a baby-sized straitjacket for awhile now.  Murrow-dini would constantly wiggle out of his swaddling and wake up midway through his sleep.  Thankfully our PEPS facilitator showed us the glories of the double swaddle this week.  For those of you unfamiliar with the… Continue reading Baby Straitjacket


Baby vs. Hard Drive II

Kim and I are definitely guilty of the binge photography.  Today when we dressed up Murrow in one of his cute outfits that he finally fits into, we ended up taking 60 or so photos in a half hour.  I always think that I’ll be able to just pick the cutest ones to keep, but… Continue reading Baby vs. Hard Drive II


Out of the Bucket

Kim and I still love our stroller (a poppa obsession), but now Murrow has gotten alot better at keeping his head up, we’re trying to use the baby bjorn more.  He loves it, but we have to keep a burp cloth hanging off the front of it to catch the gallons of drool that he’s… Continue reading Out of the Bucket


Damn the Men with Careful Smiles

Murrow has been giving out the smiles all over the place lately.  It seems that getting him to smile has become our sole occupation…funny faces, funny dances, funny songs.  You name it, we do it.  It’s actually quite disgusting, so we can’t go out into the public anymore.


Roll over, roll over

There were seven in a bed And the little one said “Roll over, roll over” So they all rolled over And one fell out Murrow had his first reunion this week with all the other babies that he knew from pregnancy and labor classes.  The only thing cuter that Murrow is Murrow in a row… Continue reading Roll over, roll over


A New World Record

6 Hours.  Mark this day. If Kim and I had the sleeping schedule of my dad then we could declare that Murrow slept through the night for the first time.  10:30 at night until 4:30 in the morning…not too shabby.  It’s probably just a coincidence since last night was really active for him and he… Continue reading A New World Record
