Standing Tall … For 2 Seconds

Murrow loves to crawl so much that it has been hard to get him thinking about standing on his own or walking. But Valerie had the bright idea of using Murrow’s fear of grass to get him to stand…which works suprisingly well. His hatred of putting his hands on the grass keeps him upright and… Continue reading Standing Tall … For 2 Seconds


Apple TV

[flashvideo width=”320″ height=”240″ filename=”/video/apple.flv” returnpage=”” /]


His First Word – Kinda

Murrow has a new game, he gets a bit of food (preferably goldfish cracker crumbs) then puts his lips together and blows … covering Momma and Poppa with a gooey spray. The funny thing is that he seems to understand the word for “spit” now, blowing whatever he has in his mouth at us whenever… Continue reading His First Word – Kinda


Curry Quotes

[flashvideo width=”320″ height=”240″ filename=”/video/murrowcurry.flv” returnpage=”” /]


Crawl, Clunk, Crawl, Clunk

[flashvideo width=”320″ height=”240″ filename=”/video/murrowandblockie.flv” returnpage=”” /]


Pillow Bite

Murrow's been a wild child lately, chewing on anything he can get his mouth around and flying around the house on his hands and knees.  We especially love the picture of him chewing on the pillow while holding the Tivo remote.


Ready for my Close-up

Whenever the camera is out, Murrow can't help but charge at it and Kim can't help but take a picture of him doing it.  So we've ended up with a nice little collection of photos that are too close for the camera to focus on, but too cute not to share.


Early Christmas Present

According to Uncle Two Belts, this is either abuse, or the most awesome thing ever.  You be the judge.  All we know is its the best $7.50 we've ever spent. 


Ah Bah Bah Bah Bah

Murrow and Momma have a new game.  Baby boy lets out a long ahhhhhh and Momma bounces her hand over his mouth, creating the funniest sounds I've heard in awhile. [audio:ah-bah-bah-bah.mp3]


Dunk the Baby

Murrow and poppa have a new game, to supplement the endlessly fun pull-the-magnet-off-the-fridge put-the-magnet-on-the-fridge game. The new game involves poppa drinking a glass of water and Murrow dunking his hand into the glass every time it gets near him.  There's two ways of thinking about this.  1. Murrow gets his hands clean in the water … Continue reading Dunk the Baby
