Here Comes Sandy Claws

Murrow met Santa Claus for the first time yesterday and although we don’t have the “official” picture yet (they still use real film … freaks), here’s a few that Poppa took (including one from the camera phone).  Full story after the jump.

We wanted to get Murrow’s picture taken with Santa Claus, because this is the lucky moment in his life where he isn’t necessarily afraid of large men in red velvet who disguise themselves behind several pounds of white fake hair.

Kim felt that if we were going to do it, we should go all the way.  Which in Seattle means going to the Nordstrom’s Santa in downtown.  It’s a big affair, where they build out a corner of the store, you can have breakfast with the big fat man, or wait for an ASL, asian, or black santa.

Yesterday, I took off early from work and met Kim downtown.  We were supposed to meet at a nearby Barnes and Noble, but with traffic backed up so far, I just walked over to her car in the middle of the street and helped her find parking.

The line didn’t look so bad, it wasn’t wrapped around the building or anything.  So we got in line and waited.  We discussed whether or not the gifts the various manequins were giving each other were filled with shame and guilt (neither manequin seemed happy about receiving the gift) and whether or not is was fashionable to hang bright red art on a bright red wall.  Kim and I had plenty of time to discuss this sort of nuance, because the line took 3 hours to reach Santa.

When we did get to Santa (by the way, Murrow was awesome in line, he made friends with everyone) we were lucky to get a great one.  He spent time with Murrow, making jokes, getting a picture with Kim, taking the official pictures and then pictures with my camera.

Murrow was perfect, never cried, smiled for the camera and generally loved the attention.  The only danger was when Murrow decided that the beard looked good enough to shove in his mouth.  We thought we might have to surgically remove him from Santa.

You might ask what Murrow asked Santa to bring him for Christmas?  The Oxford English Dictionary, of course.
