With the family getting sick, the postings on the site slowed down, but the snapping of photos never did. Here's 3 images … Murrow and his farmer hat, Murrow realizing that cd's have holes in the middle, and Murrow simply mugging for the camera.
Hitting the Sauce
I swear that Kim and I haven't let Murrow's apple juice ferment, but for some reason a batch of his most recent pictures make him look like a drunk (an angry one).
Unjustly Jailed
Murrow is being held against his will in detainment camp Love, without legal representation or a fair trial. The guards insist it is for "his own good", but Murrow is fully aware that the grass is indeed greener on the other side.
Gonna Eat Me a Lot of Peaches
Look Out! Poppa made up a batch of peaches the other day, and Murrow just loves them. Even with his teeth bothering him a bit, he opens up and gulps them down. The eggplant, on the other hand… Not Mo’s favorite. And he seems to be a little allergic to them. Oh well, they can’t… Continue reading Gonna Eat Me a Lot of Peaches
Even More Teeths!
Those two teeth that were coming in on top turned out to be four crookedly growing, awkwardly spaced teeth. Ouch (I’m talking about me, here). And the grinding… I’ve been calling him my little Geiger counter.
Upwardly Mobile
The couch is the new frontier. Murrow can now pull himself up to a standing position using the couch. And then he'll walk the length of it. Slowly. If there's a toy he wants on the other end. And if the cat's not around to distract him.
Rise and Shine
More and more, when Murrow wakes up, I'll come into his room to find him sitting up, happily waiting for me to come get him. Okay, so maybe he's not so happy. But he is sitting up. I say it's time to lower the mattress again. Poppa thinks I'm being overly cautious.
Berlin Gate
Now that Murrow's mastered the art of crawling, even on the slippery hardwoods, I've finally started to use the gate. Where we were previously able to pass willy nilly from the living room to the kitchen, we now have to cross secretly and at great peril. Except for Poppa, he can just step over it.… Continue reading Berlin Gate
A Fistful of Hair
Murrow’s always grabbed at my hair when it was convenient for him. Like when I bent over for kisses or tickles. Now he seems to think it’s a game for him to lean every which way to snatch some hair… and insert it into his mouth. Fun AND yummy.
Going Fishing
Murrow's reached a milestone recently. He's now tall enough to reach his fish mobile when he stands on his changing table. He's been reaching for it ever since he could lift his arm.