Tower of Power – Duplo Style

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Going in Circles

Despite having made several trips to the Woodland Park Zoo and been in downtown Seattle during the holidays, Murrow’s never been on a carousel. Until now. In addition to the requisite ice rink (what’s up with Texans and their ice skating?) one of the local malls sports a carousel. Poppa picked out a nice horsey… Continue reading Going in Circles


Easter Egg Hunter

Kim and I love any holiday that involves chocolate, so to spread the joy of the holiday with Murrow, we went down to the zoo for their easter egg hunt. They had a seperate caged-in area for toddlers to go wild picking up eggs…with about 3 eggs per square foot, so chances were good that… Continue reading Easter Egg Hunter


Videos for Murrow

This post is actually more for Murrow than for anyone else. Whenever he is downstairs near the computers, he’ll point to one of them and go “Turtles” or “Choo Choo”…which is our cue to pull up some online videos for him. I’ve gotten tired of trying to type in the appropriate search keywords, so here’s… Continue reading Videos for Murrow


Turtle Is the New Doggie

Murrow used to go around calling everything Doggie. But we have a few books now that have turtles tuttling away in the background, and now that’s his favorite animal. And it’s just about the cutest word he says. Lucky for him, Jazzy made a trip to the zoo with the kids so he could see… Continue reading Turtle Is the New Doggie


Turtle Turtle Turtle

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Democracy in Action

With a vote that actually mattered and a candidate we can be excited about, the family went a’caucusing this afternoon. Murrow wasn’t necessarily interested in the finer points of Hillary’s vs. Obama’s health care plans (although he should, the allergic little monster) but he loved flirting with the captive audience.



In Murrow’s never-ending quest to become a big boy, he’s eschewing sippy cups, instead asking to drink out of a regular cup. This of course makes us happy and insane at the same time, since he usually gets several really good gulps in before getting over-confident and dumping the rest of the water down his… Continue reading Waterboy
